Again today the power there is in the blood of Jesus has been strong in my heart. We can never discredit the power there is in the blood of Jesus Christ.
In Exodus 12:13 “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon houses where ye are and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” KJV
Message Bible says, “I am God. The blood will serve as a sign on the houses where you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”
Anyone who has read the scriptures very much knows this is talking about Pharaoh when he was refusing to allow God’s people to go. The blood was a type of the blood of Jesus to come. There was protection for the children of God which was the Israelites. When the blood of Jesus is over our homes we will be passed over and be protected. Satan must recognize the power there is in the blood. Jesus paid His life’s blood to purchase our salvation. It is much more than being born again. That word salvation is an all-inclusive word. Wholeness of spirit, soul and body was paid for by Jesus Christ for us.
Having faith in the power of the blood of Jesus is so important. Living life each day under the power of that blood is so vital. We do not use it like a magic wand, but we live it daily. We do not play religious games. We have a heart dedicated to God and to live His Holiness. “Be ye holy for I am holy.” If it were not possible to be holy, then God would not have to be holy. He is our Holiness, and He is holy. We have him inside of us.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, you are so welcome in my life. Teach me the power there is in the blood of Jesus Christ. Teach me to respect the blood of Jesus more than I ever have. Guide me in the paths of life that lead me in the safe place with God. I am hiding with Christ in God. I choose to abide there with you. Cover me and protect me. I love you Jesus. AMEN!
CONFESSION: I respect the blood of Jesus Christ the Anointed One. I hold the blood of Jesus high in honor. I do not degrade the power of in the blood. I am not ashamed to plead and appropriate it over my life in every area. I make much of the blood! HALLELUJAH!