On the Bench by the Sea of Galilee
October 28, 2019
I was sitting on a wooden bench looking at the Sea of Galilee. I was alone. I was wearing Arabic
clothes – a brown dishdasha and flip flops. I was looking at the water. It was early morning. I
was facing north, and the sun was on my right. It was peaceful and I could feel a breeze.
November 14, 2019
I had a vision. I was sitting with Jesus on a wooden bench, looking out over the Sea of Galilee. I
could see angels all over, hundreds of angels. Some were walking, some were flying, some
were talking. I asked Jesus, “What’s going on? What can we do? How can we pray?” I was
referring to Israel, division in the U.S. and the world, hatred for Christians, wars… Jesus said,
“Nothing. You did everything you could. I have been hearing you and the body. I have been
hearing your prayers. I am waiting on the Father to send Me back.” I understood that this is
basically the end. Jesus continued, “I’m coming back at the end of the day. Keep praying. I will
keep telling you what I want you to know because you have been faithful and obedient to Me
and My Father. The course is written; it will take place.”
I later realized that the bench we were sitting on was a bench that Jesus had made as a
After this vision, I saw Jesus standing in my bedroom, at the foot of my bed. He was wearing a
white robe and had something brown, like a scarf, over his shoulder. He was standing at the
corner to my right. He declared, “I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in the flesh.” Jesus put His
hand on my right foot and said, “I love you, son.” Jesus’ head seemed to almost touch the
ceiling fan above my bed. He appeared to be around 6’3” or 6’4”.November 23, 2019
First Vision (around 3:00 a.m.)
Jesus was seated on the wooden bench that we had sat on together in earlier visions. Jesus
was on the bench already and I joined him. I sat down. The Sea of Galilee was in front of us.
Jesus pointed at the sky and said, “The sun is down, it’s almost dark. The day is over.”
Second Vision (around 3:30 a.m.)
Benjamin Netanyahu was sitting down at an outdoor table, maybe a restaurant. I was sitting
across from Bibi and could see the Western wall behind Bibi.
I asked him, “What are you going to do now as far as the elections?”
Bibi replied, “I have to wait on Trump.”
Then I said, “Okay, I’ll keep praying for you.”December 27, 2019
Jesus and I were sitting on the same bench by the Sea of Galilee. The sun was gone - after
sunset. It was the last bit of daylight.
I was wearing jeans and a shirt and my beige boots. Jesus was on my left, with His elbows
resting on His knees, looking north.
I said, “Lord, we are back here. How are you doing?” Jesus said, “I am doing fine. The sun is
gone, and the day is over. I am waiting on My Father.”
I said, “I saw you many times before on this bench.” Jesus said, “Yes. This is heaven on earth.”
Jesus looked at me and smiled.
I had many questions I wanted to ask but none of my words came out. The questions were in
my head, but I couldn’t ask them.December 28, 2019
Jesus and I were sitting on the bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was evening. Jesus was on my
Across from the bench, standing, were President Trump immediately across from me and
Benjamin Netanyahu immediately across from Jesus. In between Jesus and Bibi, kiddy corner
to Jesus’ left, was King Abdullah of Jordan.
Trump and Bibi were wearing blue suits. Abdullah was wearing full military gear with a gun in a
There was a bon fire to my right, kiddy corner, between Trump and the bench.
Bibi spoke to me and said, “I need more prayer.” I replied, “I have been praying for you and I will
continue to do so.”
I looked at Trump and Bibi and, when the firelight flickered on their faces, I could see tears
running down both men’s cheeks.
*Yet they know that Jesus is with them.
Jesus said, “Stop crying because I am with you. The reason I put you in these offices in America
and Israel is to protect My land and protect My children in the last minutes of the last day. You
two are so close to Me and I know that you love Me so much and you love My Father. I am with
you and I will never leave you. You have My protection and My Father’s blessing.”
Then Jesus said, “Abdullah”. King Abdullah replied, “Yes, Lord.”
Jesus said, “Make sure your land is open for whatever Benjamin and Trump need it for. You
have My blessing.”King Abdullah replied, “Yes, Lord.”
Bibi and Trump were quiet, listening carefully to the Lord, with tears in their eyes. Abdullah kept
his military stance. He took orders from Jesus and remained silent other than saying, “Yes,
*Whomever Jesus was talking to, He pointed His right index finger at the person while speaking
while His left hand rested on His knee. He was very calm.December 31, 2019
Vision – Early Morning
I was sitting on the same bench by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was on my left side. He had His
arms spread wide, one arm behind me. It was evening. There was a big bon fire about fifteen
feet in front of us, directly in the middle of the bench. Directly in front of me was a more than
half-inch thick wooden bowl. It was unstained and rough. In the bowl was a good-sized fish -
cooked - and a loaf of bread. The Lord looked at me and looked towards the food, indicating it
was for me. The Lord said to me, “The fish is musht.”
My wife researched “musht” or “Tilapia Galilea.” This fish is commonly called “Saint Peter’s fish.”January 2, 2020
Jesus and I were on the same bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was dark and there was a bon fire
fifteen feet in front of us, directly in the middle. The Sea of Galilee was another ten to fifteen feet
beyond the fire.
Jesus’ hands were together in front of Him, resting on His knees.
Jesus said, “I ask you to pray for President Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu – that they
make the right decision regarding what is going on right now and what is about to happen in the
Middle East regarding Iran, Syria, Turkey, Hezbollah and Russia.”
Jesus said to me again (as He said in a previous vision), “The war is here. And yes, it is Ezekiel
38. I (Jesus) am waiting on the Father to come back.”
I looked at Jesus. He continues to sit and wait for His Father’s command.January 16, 2020
Jesus was sitting on the bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was totally dark. There was a bon fire. I
was walking in front of Jesus, going left, with a knapsack over my shoulder. Jesus asked,
“Where are you going? I answered, “I don’t know Lord.” Jesus said, “You will know when you
get there.”January 28, 2020
Jesus and I were sitting on the bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was evening (no light). A bon fire
was straight across from us. Jesus said, “Pray against the virus in the U.S. I am waiting on the
Father for my second coming.”
*This is in relation to the visions he showed me earlier regarding the virus in Beijing and the U.S.
Joel 2:25-41
25 I will give you back what you lost
in the years when swarms of locusts ate your crops.
It was I who sent this army against you.
26 Now you will have plenty to eat, and be satisfied.
You will praise the LORD your God,
who has done wonderful things for you.
My people will never be despised again.
27 Then, Israel, you will know that I am among you,
and that I, the LORD, am your God
and there is no other.
My people will never be despised again.
The Day of the LORD
28 “Afterwards I will pour out my Spirit on everyone:
your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
your old people will have dreams,
and your young people will see visions.
29 At that time I will pour out my Spirit
even on servants, both men and women.
30 “I will give warnings of that day
in the sky and on the earth;
there will be bloodshed, fire, and clouds of smoke.
31 The sun will be darkened,
and the moon will turn red as blood
before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.February 23, 2020
Jesus was sitting in the middle of the bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was pitch dark outside. His
hands were crossed over his chest. The bon fire was immediately in front of him with the Sea of
Galilee beyond.
The Lord audibly said to me, “Remember what I showed you in the U.S. and around the world
regarding this virus?”
I said, “Yes, Lord.”Jesus responded, “You must pray to the Father and share with my children to stand with you
and it is very necessary and urgent. Pray or there will be weakness, sickness and death all over
the world.”February 27, 2020
It was pitch dark and the bon fire was burning.
I was sitting on the bench with Jesus by the Sea of Galilee. He was in the middle of the bench
and I was to Jesus’ right. I was holding my Bible from Pastor Keller on my lap and it was open to
Ezekiel. Jesus said, “I am waiting on my Father for my second coming. The day is over.”
He put his right arm on my left shoulder. He said, “Be strong and be firm on everything I have
told you and shared with you. I am with you, launching your ministry. Keep praying against the
virus, keep praying for the economy, and keep praying for people’s souls.”March 6, 2020
Jesus was sitting in the middle of the bench by the Sea of Galilee. It was pitch dark other than
the bonfire. I stood before him to his right.
The Lord audibly told me that Benjamin Netanyahu will be and IS the prime minister of Israel.
The Lord showed me the number “4” in Arabic and then dots –
“4…………………………………………………” He said, “The tribulation is here, and the war is
here. The rapture is about to happen, and the antichrist will be revealed and free on earth very
quickly. I am waiting on the Father.”May 5, 2020
Jesus was sitting on the bench and I was to his right. We were looking out onto the Sea of
Galilee. It was dark and there was a bonfire. I said, “Lord, what am I doing here?” Jesus said, “I
have a few things to tell you.” His hands were resting on His knees and He turned his head to
look directly at me. He continued, “Tell the church not to be in fear. The church is making a
difference with all their prayers. The church must keep praying so I can move and make a
difference and make a better life and defeat the devil and all his attacks against My children.”
Then the Lord asked, “Did you get it? Do you hear Me? Did you receive this?” I said, “Yes,
Lord.” Jesus said, “Make sure to tell the church and keep praying.”June 7, 2020
Vision (approximately 3:30 a.m.)
Jesus was on the bench. I was sitting next to Jesus, to His right. We were looking out to the Sea
of Galilee. There was a bon fire and it was pitch dark. The fire was flaming up four to five feet.Jesus asked me, “Why are people in so much fear of this virus? Why are they in so much fear
for their finances? Why are they in so much fear of losing everything? When I died on the cross,
My Father’s purpose was to deliver My children from all these things and more. Don’t they
believe in Me? Don’t they believe the power I have through My Father? Don’t they believe that
My children can do ALL things? Don’t they understand when I left earth, I left the Holy Spirit on
earth? Tell the church that I am with them in every struggle and I know that everything will be
greater than great! Tell them to keep praying, standing in unity together. The power of prayer
gives Me the power to deliver My children from all things that have happened and are yet to
happen.”September 11, 2020
It was dark. It seemed to be after midnight, darker than dark. There was no moon, and no light,
other than the bonfire. It was windy and the wind was coming from the north. I could hear the
waves crashing. I was standing in front of Jesus who was seated on the bench. The Sea of
Galilee was behind me. Jesus sat with his arms out to each side like he was ready to propel
himself upwards (to stand). Jesus said to me, “The day is not just over. I am ready to return to
earth. All the orders I received from My Father in heaven have been completed. I am waiting on
Him, any moment, to return to earth. All players of the end times have started their last battle on
*Jesus looked very excited when He was telling me these things. I felt He was ready and
anticipating the next step.
**The north wind is said to bring rain (Proverbs 25:23), and there is an instance of a windstorm
coming out of the north, accompanied by brilliant flashes of lightning (Ezekiel 1:4).May 12, 2021
Vision, 3:15 a.m.
It was pitch dark. Jesus was sitting on a bench by the Sea of Galilee, looking at the lake. His arms were crossed on his chest. Jesus said, “I am waiting on My Father.”
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